Eco Adventskalender 2014: Day 5 Re-home unused items!

5th of Dec: My „eco Adventskalender“ suggestion for today: Have a look around you today (and maybe over the weekend). How many items do you find which you do not need (do not need any longer, never needed at all, …)? But you cannot throw out those items, because they are new, never used, in perfect shape? Search for three items for each category: 1. Something which you could give to a friend, because you think s/he would like to have it. Then, you send an email TODAY to that person and first ask her/him whether or not s/he’d like to have that item. 2. Something which you could bring to a charity shop (e.g. Oxfam) tomorrow, and 3. Something you can give away via Ebay, Parents in Munich Items for Sale, or some other platform. Let’s find a new home for some obsolete items!

PS: You can of course also find more than 3 x 3 items, but let’s start with a smaller number, just to make sure …

