Archiv für den Monat: Juli 2016

Wozu in die Ferne schweifen, wenn das Gute liegt so nah …

For parents it’s sometimes difficult to travel.

Too few vacation days to cover all the school/day-care holidays, grumpy kids who don’t like to be squeezed in the car/on the plane for hours (well, who likes that anyway …?!), not enough money, … there are a zillion reasons why parents with young kids can’t travel to all the place they’d love to see.

And some things we just want to avoid. Sunny humid 35 degrees with a lot of mosquitos might not be ideal for our kids (and us), necessary vaccinations might not be ideal for kids.

Therefore, a funny video which shows some nice places in Bavaria which almost look like travel destinations far far away…
„Warum in die Ferne schweifen, wenn das Gute liegt so nah!“

Beaches like in Asia, forests like in South America, … someone really took some effort to find nice places here „just around the corner“ of Munich.

And all friends who do not live in Bavaria: Watch the video and you’ll see some more reasons to come and visit me & us!

BTW: The Deutsche Bahn offers also a „Bayern-Ticket“ which makes is very easy to travel without car through Bavaria. And some places are even reachable by bike or MVV.

Reuse school supplies

And this week we all get the lists already for next school year ….

BUT: „Despite the glossy ads featuring pretty new pens, pencils, binders, scissors and whatnot, it’s actually okay to *gasp* reuse the stuff you already have. That’s right, fellow non-consumers, last year’s scissors will still work this year, and that slightly used pencil can be resharpened.“

So, how about reusing all the items you and your family already have at home?
And if you buy something new, have a look for higher quality items (e.g. some good metal scissors), less plastic items, notebooks made out of recycling paper, ….

BTW: Primary schools usually hand out the lists with the necessary school supplies for school year 2016/17 now, Gymnasium usually only announces the list of items in September. In any case, plenty of time to tidy up and reuse items! Or maybe repair some items, too.

And if you find school supply items your child does not need anymore, give them to friends!


Tesla’s Master Plan 2 – What’s next?

Tesla’s Master Plan 2 released by ElonMusk:

After making an electric sports car (Roadster), they moved to a luxury sedan (Model S) and an SUV (Model X): What comes next?
Model 3, then a compact SUV, a pick-up truck.
How do we want to drive cars? Tesla clearly points out that we need to get away from fossil fuels. Therefore sustainable energy production is essential. Tesla will offer one solar-roof-with-battery solution: Tesla and SolarCity will be brought together.
And: Tesla will work on heavy-duty trucks and high-passenger density urban transport.
With autonomous driving, we’ll rethink the whole system of transport and we can easily share cars. No need to own your own car. While you are not using your car, other people can use it.
What?!: A company (by most people currently known as car company) wants to encourage people to s-h-a-r-e cars and is excited about this?!
Wondering: How will BMW , Mercedes-Benz , Volkswagen , Audi Deutschland , Porsche , Ford Motor Company , and the other car companies react to this announcement?

PokemonGo? – LetsChangeTheWorldGo!

OK, also ich bin heute mal ganz ehrlich: ich bin neidisch!

Vorhin habe ich mich dabei ertappt, als in der Mittagspause vor mir jemand recht eigenwillig und merkwürdig mit seinem Handy in der Hand auf der Straße lief – auf der Suche nach Pokemons?
Nachdem ich mir nun mal durchgelesen habe, um was es
bei PokemonGo geht, was man da alles an Zeit und auch Geld investieren muss, gebe ich offen zu: ich bin neidisch auf die Erfinder von PokemonGo!
Wahnsinn, Menschen dazu zu bringen, ihre Zeit und ihr Geld dafür aufzuwenden, Fantasiewesen zu fangen, Bälle und was sonst noch zu sammeln.

Allerdings: gleichzeitig bin ich auch betrübt – (wie) könnte man es schaffen, dass Menschen ihre Zeit & Geld denn für was Sinnvolleres in der echten Welt einsetzen?

Seufz ….

Ich will mein eigenes „LetsChangeTheWorldGo“ erfinden und würde gern Leute losschicken, um die Welt zu verbessern.



Sommer, Sonne, … Müll am Strand!

Ein sonniges Wochenende an der Isar ….

Warum benehmen sich eigentlich viel zu viele Menschen so, als ob ihnen unser Planet alleine gehört und es absolut egal ist, wie wir ihn unseren Mitmenschen und nachfolgenden Generationen hinterlassen?

Zu gern würde ich ja mal sehen, wie es solchen Schmutzfinken gefallen würden, wenn man sie einfach an der Isar beim nächsten Besuch direkt in diesen Müllhaufen setzen würde – da können sie dann ja gern gemütlich drin grillen oder sitzen ...


Ignorance is not a virtue

Great 8 min video:

„In politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue.
It’s not cool to not know what you’re talking about.
That’s not keeping it real or telling it like it is.
That’s not challenging political correctness.
That’s just not knowing what you’re talking about!“

„The rejection of facts, the rejection of reason and science, that is the path to decline.“