„Repair Friday“ instead of „Black Friday“.
Yesterday „Black Friday“ started in the US and people usually go shopping and spend a fortune on … new stuff, new clothes, new items.
In 2014, people in the US spent 50.9 billion US dollars on and around the Black Friday.
Suggestion for you: Instead of buying something new, repair something yourself or bring it to a repair service, e.g. an „Änderungsschneiderei“ or a „Schuhservice“.
This helps the environment and also your local ec…onomy.
PS: Picture shows my pair of pumps. My nice shoe repair service really did a good job this week. 🙂 BTW: It does pay out to buy higher quality clothes and shoes which last longer and can also be repaired.
Possibly intersting for non-Germans: For Germans, the „Schwarzer Freitag“ is nothing nice at all, but that word refers to the stockmarket collapse back on a Friday in October 1929 (which then also caused the global crisis and finally then led to the political changes and the second World War). In Europe, that day was a Friday, in the US, it was still Thursday.
Therefore: The US „Black Thursday“ is the German „Schwarzer Freitag“.