Eco Adventskalender 2014: Day 3 Avoid catalogues and unwanted letters

3rd of Dec: My „eco Adventskalender“ suggestion for today: Have your address removed from the database of all companies you are not interested in (anymore)!
It’s Christmas time! So, best time of the year for companies, they want your money! How many paper catalogues did your receive already? How many of them do you really want to receive on paper? How much paper was wasted for those catalogues and how much energy was wasted to produce them and to get them delivered to your house?
Have a look at all catalogues you got and check which one you do not want to receive any longer. Then, just send them an email and ask them to please remove your address from their list to help them save money and avoid wasting ressources. I will put a template (in German)  below.
PS: I’ve noticed that you may have to repeat this for some companies after a while. Some companies seem to put their customer’s address back into the mailing lists after each order.




Template – German: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
um mein Altpapier und die Umwelt sowie Ihre Finanzen zu entlasten,
möchte ich Sie bitten, folgende Adresse aus Ihrem Adressverteiler
für Kataloge zu streichen:
[here comes your postal address with your name as it’s written by the company]
Kundennummer:[in case you have a number, also put it here]

Vielen Dank im voraus!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
[your name]