Eco Adventskalender 2014: Day 15 Choose recycling paper!

15th of December: My „Eco Adventskalender“ suggestion for today: Whenever you buy items made out of paper, try to buy only items made out of 100% recycling paper.
Picture taken at „Fünf Höfe“ in Munich. For all who are concernced about money: I guess, 59 Cents for a DIN A4 „Schulheft“ is quite affordable (please do not ask me why several shops sell those made out of new paper for less money – I will never understand that!).And they sell nice „Schulblöcke (liniert/kariert)“ for 1,29 EUR. Color is almost white and it’s also suitable for fountain pens, no problem with the ink.
Another example for good use of recycling-paper is toilet paper: no need to have new, super-white paper there.

Hefte_Recyclingpapier Toilettenpapier_Recycling