WomenInCharge Facebook Page has 499 Likes!

Wow! Our WomenInCharge page has now 499 Likes!
3.5 years ago I started this project to inform people about electric mobility and to show that electric cars are already an alternative solution which allows people to be mobile without any emissions of toxic exhaust gases and noise.
At the same time, we also talked a lot about general environmental issues and offered some solutions how to make the world a little bit better, cleaner, and more sustainable.

To celebrate I will share again our video interview with some advice how each of us can change the world: in German – time to do another interview in English! 🙂

Elektromobilität und was jeder einzelne im Alltag ganz einfach für die Umwelt tun kann!
Nathalie Kayser und ich als Team WomenInCharge bei der diesjährigen Wave2017

(Thanks to Nick Zippel and Swen Dittmer for this nice video interview!)

Team Sager & Deus – WaveTrophy 2017 added a new video.

Videoblog 13 – 2017
Team 30, Women in Charge, stellt sich vor. Petra Nass und Nathalie Celine Kayser aus München äußern sich zur E-Mobiltät und geben Energiesparideen zum BESTEN. Film ab…
„Auf Grund eines Fehlers im Namen bei Petra haben wir das Video neu eingestellt, sorry Petra“