Archiv für den Autor: petra

Öde Stadtgestaltung mit „Betongold“?

Nicht nur am Stachus, auch in der Münchner Maxvorstadt kann man die Gegend mit Betonklötzen verschandeln, siehe der geplante Neubau Ecke Türkenstrasse/Adalbertstrasse. Ich frage mich, ob die Architekten, die sowas planen, selbst in sowas oder gegenüber von sowas wohnen wollen? Nur mal so zum Vergleich wie das bisherige Haus aussieht. Das finden doch die meisten wohl schöner, oder? Irgendwie doch skurril: da werden erst Einöden aus Beton außerhalb der Innenstädte gebaut. In die will dann aber kaum jemand (mit Geld) einziehen – die Leute mit Geld möchten lieber in die Innenstadtviertel „mit Charme“ . Und dann kommen die Bauträger und klotzen die Innenstädte mit genau den gleichen lieblosen Betonbunkern voll, in denen draußen niemand wohnen mag …
Meine Vermutung: das meiste ist nur noch „Betongold“ – Anlageobjekte, in der Hoffnung auf noch weiter steigende Immobilienpreise.

How to get rid off mobile devices in less than 4 seconds

OK, now I have to admit again: I am a low-tech parent and I do not think that kids need smartphones and other similar stuff. And yes, I like to drive electric cars from Tesla Motors So, it’s really fun to watch this video – how to get your child offline in less than 3.2 seconds ….

What happens when an electric all-wheel drive Model S accelerates from 0 to 60 mph in 3.2 seconds?

Einstein’s desk …

My desk looks similar – good or bad sign? I’m a physicist, too. So, does this mean great achievements in the future or will I die within the next hours?
PS: Just showed this picture -hiding the headline – to my teenage son and asked him: „Is there anything special about this desk?“ His answer: „Yes, there is no computer!“

(Picture: Ralph Morse for TIME)

Der Papst über Katholiken, Karnickel und Familienplanung

Wer hätte jemals einen solchen Spruch vom Papst erwartet? „Gute Katholiken müssen sich nicht wie die Karnickel vermehren“
Ein Papst, der zur Familienplanung aufruft?! Hätte ich niemals mehr damit gerechnet, dass die katholische Kirche ihr „Mehret Euch!“ aufgeben würde und einsehen würde, dass Familienplanung und Verhütung auf einem Planeten mit endlichen Ressourcen und Platz notwendig ist und dass die Bevölkerungsexplosion in einigen Ländern der Erde ein echtes Problem ist.
Bei all dem, was dieser Papst schon so gesagt hat, frage ich mich, ob sich die Kardinäle, die ihn 2013 gewählt haben, über ihre Wahl ärgern oder freuen.

Goal 2015: Clear the Clutter: Stop Organizing and Just have less stuff

Yes! This will be my goal for 2015: To cut down the number of items around me. „Want to know the secret to organizing your stuff? Here it is: Have less stuff.

The answer will never be more space, the answer is less stuff.

Cutting your consumption of consumer goods is arguably one of the most instrumental green changes you can make to your life.

And conversely, having less of them doesn’t mean deprivation, it means freedom! It benefits you, the home you create, and the natural world we live in.“,1b418fac-2bc5-60b4-9c68-365ed73ab222


“Getting rid of 1000 things” Talk:

20 Jahre in München!

Heute auf den Tag genau seit 20 Jahren in München! 1.1.1995 – 1.1.2015
Und zur Feier des Tages bei schönstem Wetter und Schnee Postkartenidylle im Englischen Garten…


End of 2014 – „Year of the Dragon“ or „Year of the Lion?“ and future

2014 – Quite exciting year with a lot of new experiences. Thanks to all old and new friends who supported me during this very interesting, sometimes stressful, but never boring year!

I’d like to close this year with one of the first pictures of this year 2014, taken during the first minutes of January 1st 2014. (no Photoshop, real picture!) I think I’ll call 2014 the „Year of the Dragon“ or „Year of the Lion“
And I’d like to announce now a new project: I just signed the contract today, team WomenInCharge will participate in the „Around the world in 80 days“ tour with 100% electric vehicles in summer 2016 (yes, 2016, as some advance planning will be necessary during 2015). Nathalie Kayser and I plan to be the first women to travel around the world with an all-electric vehicle. We’ll be part of the „80edays“ organized by Carrera Electrica Rafael de Mestre.Neujahr2014_20131231-1H9B8644_Drache

Winter holidays = Time to read!

Winter holidays = time to read. Crime story from Iceland – thrilling story in some sort of Agatha Christie style. And now „The Circle“ a novel by Dave Eggers who inspired me with his 826 Valencia „Pirate Supply Shop“ to start my @LittleShopOfScience This book is some food for thought about how much and what we’d like to share online (did not finish The Circle yet, but the first 130 pages are very good!)


Eco Adventskalender Day 24: Merry Christmas! – eco friendly

Merry Christmas – Fröhliche Weihnachten!

24th Dec and end of my Eco-Adventskalender suggestions: I wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Preferrably eco-friendly …

In our case with a local Christmas tree from Freising, bought at Odeonsplatz – the person who’s selling them is also the farmer who grows them! He’s in the business for 40 years – and we transported the tree to our home in our Nihola cargo bike. Bee wax candles (to avoid paraffin wax), glass „Weihnachtskugeln“ which are reused every year, glass/crystal, straw stars, a few wooden things. Below the presents – all wrapped in re-usable Christmas paper bags (which we got and collected over the past years) and some items are wrapped in fabrics or self-made bags made out of fabrics. We managed to down-size the number of presents in the past years and keep it now stable. Not an easy task nowadays…. (The Story of Stuff ...). The tree will stay in our room until Jan 6th, and afterwards everything will be stored for next year We will cut the tree then and use it as protective layer for our flowers on our balconies. Re-use … and then it’ll end up in the brown Biomülltonne after March/April to be processed as „Münchner Blumenerde“ re-cyle …

PS: A few days are missing in my „Eco Adventskalender“ due to „no-time-for-FB“, but I’ll finish the calender.
