7.3 billion people and still growing – we need family planning for everyone

7.3 billion people on the planet – and each week 1.5 million more. 1 billion people starving, another billion at risk. „Human population stabilization and subsequent consolidations are fundamental steps in the global human behavior change required for a sustainable future.“ Yes.
We need safe, reliable methods for family planning for everyone on the planet.


Explorers Club

A friend of mine just created a „Munich Explorers Club“ as meetup group and he plans to have one or two events per month where people share their stories from travelling (or living?) abroad.

We had already a few events in the last 15 months: People showed photos and talked about interesting trips to other countries, interesting encounters with other cultures, other people, and/or just funny/interesting/gripping stories. We had already people who went from Munich to China (and back) with a car(!), someone who traveled through Iran for vacation, another one who crossed Argentina with a motorbike, someone who went from Geneva to Nice on skies ….And it was always fun to meet with 25 to 35 people. The events are in English, but we had people from probably almost all approx. 200 countries on our planet among our guests.

BTW: Apart from the content itself, I think it’s also a very nice opportunity for people to hold a presentation in front of an audience. Something some of us might not have to do (anymore) on a regular basis. Therefore also a good way to refresh those skills.! 



Vereinbarkeit Familie und Beruf – stimmt das oder ist es eine Lüge?

Hatte nicht die ZEIT schon vor 4 Monaten im Herbst 2014 die gleiche These mit einem Buch zum gleichen Thema von zwei Autorinnen aufgebracht? Und jetzt nochmals das gleiche Buch von zwei männlichen Autoren oder wie? Hat sich das erste Buch zu schlecht verkauft?

Liebe Leute, Familie und Beruf lassen sich vereinbaren, wenn die Firmen mitspielen, besonders die Chefs und Personalchefs, Frauen auch mal befördern, „obwohl sie Mütter sind“ und nicht nur kinderlose Frauen. Dass Mütter und Väter keine Lust haben, sich den Stress für irgendwelche langweiligen Jobs machen, liegt wohl auf der Hand.
Aber klar, Familie und Beruf zu vereinbaren erfordert schon einiges an Planung und auch finanzielle Mittel. Solange Eltern, die dann beide berufstätig sind, für die notwendige Kinderbetreuung teuer zahlen müssen – während Eltern mit keinem Einkommen diese gratis bekommen, muss man sich nicht wundern, wer in Deutschland keine, wenig oder viele Kinder bekommt.


Wie kann man echte Wissenschaft gut verpacken?

Interviews with women

Incredible interview (well, sort of) with Leilani Munter . It’s February 2015, not 1975, right?!? Was this a real journalist? Just wondering: Do they ask similar questions if they interview Sebastian Vettel, Michael Schumacher, …. ? PS: And this is why I do not like female activists who get undressed. I do not think that it helps any cause to pose naked and I think it has a negative impact on how women who want to fight for something are perceived in public.



66 million more men than women on our planet!

I didn’t know that there are now 60 million more men than women on the planet! Always assumed that there are more women, due to their higher life-expectancy in industrialized countries. But a lot of the gender imbalance is caused by people, traditions, and technological progress such as gender determination during pregnancy in Asia. Both China and India are infamous for widespread gender selective abortions and female infanticide. Both countries have birth sex ratios that are well off the worldwide average. Interestesting what an effect this causes on a global scale.


PS: The updated version of the article even mentions 66 million more men than women.

„In 2015,  49.55% of the global population were women. 81 countries had a majority of women, 36 countries had a majority of men, 75 were within 0.5% of gender parity.“