Eco Adventskalender 2016 Dezember 4

4th of December: My „Eco Adventskalender“ suggestion for today:
Select your presents for Christmas wisely!
1. Buy less, but higher quality. Many things are already „made to break“
2. Don’t buy anything people don’t need (Oxfam is already full of stuff, a lot of them are unwanted presents). Don’t hesitate to ask your family, your friends what they want
3. Reduce the number of people who get a present from you, quite often people see it as a burden to get presents for more than 10 or 20 people …
4. If possible, don’t buy plastic items
5. Again, look for „special“ and useful things.
As an example:
This is a photo of our brushes and combs. It’s a lot, but at home it’s me and my 3 daughters, plus my husband and our two sons who also like to use combs. Several of them are from the shop „Holzleute“ between Marienplatz and Viktualienmarkt, I can highly recommend this shop. The brushes and combs are made to last forever. One comb is from the Aromare shop at Nordendstrasse, two more from a „Handwerkermarkt“ (sometimes around Stadtgründungsfest at the city centre)
